If you already have a MuchBetter account, please make sure that the account is verified with your valid ID document. If not, log in to the app and tap on the verification option visible on Home Screen. The app will lead you through the verification process.
If your account has been successfully verified and the money is not received, please ask your friend to confirm he used the correct phone number (he can do so in the Home section)
If the phone number was incorrect, your friend needs to contact us through the MuchBetter app or via the Help Center and ask about this transfer.
If the number used for this transfer was correct, your account is verified and the money still has not arrived, please contact us through the MuchBetter app or via the Help Centre with more details about this transfer.
If you do not have a MuchBetter account, you will need to open one using the phone number the funds were sent to in order to claim them. You can download the app to your mobile device from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.