We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Our tech team has identified the issue and released a fix in a new version of the MuchBetter app for Android (it will be 3.7.1) and it should be available for download on your GooglePlay store within the next 3-5 hours. Some customers are already seeing and downloading the available update.
In case this update is not available in your region yet, you can use an alternative keyboard (not Samsung keyboard) in the meantime. We highly recommend you use an official keyboard like Microsoft Swiftkeyboard or Google’s Gboard:
Microsoft SwiftKey:
Google’s Gboard:
Once installed (either of the two suggested keyboards) you will be prompted to choose your default keyboard. Chose the new one you just downloaded, close all your apps and reopen MuchBetter to try to log in again with the new virtual keyboard. You should not have an issue to enter your passcode now.
If you already have one of these virtual keyboards installed on your Android device. Please go to your device settings, choose the language/input options, then you will be given a list of keyboards to choose from.
Let us know if we can assist you further, we will be happy to help.